

Telehealth provides health care services through remote technologies such as through a video conferencing software platform.  At LifeCare Counseling, a secure, HIPAA compliant platform is utilized to provide confidential and quality mental health services. While LifeCare offers Telehealth (Teletherapy) as an option, we also encourage clients to consider their best fit whether that is Telehealth or in-person appointments.  

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about Telehealth. 

Who Can Use Telehealth Services?

Telehealth services are for individuals who may be unable to access mental health services due to COVID-related concerns, location, transportation issues, mobility problems, scheduling issues or for the added convenience. Many mental health issues can be addressed through Telehealth platform, but Telehealth may not be a good fit for everyone depending upon client need, history, etc.  It’s important to speak with your therapist about Telehealth and if it is the right fit for you.  Ideally, the first appointment known as the intake session is completed (when possible) in person, but LifeCare Counseling works with each client/situation.

Do Insurance Plans Cover Telehealth Services?

It’s important to check with your insurance provider on whether Telehealth services are covered in your policy/plan.  While it may be likely that if your insurance covers an in-person session, that a Teletherapy session would also be covered; this may not always be the case.

Is My Information Private with Telehealth?

Whether through telehealth or in-person, psychotherapy is required to adhere to HIPAA standards for client privacy. LifeCare is committed to client privacy of protected health information (PHI).  We use secure software for all telehealth appointments. This is an encrypted program platform that protects data information which includes audio and visual information.   Please refer to LifeCare's Telehealth policy for additional information regarding Telehealth privacy/security.

What Type of Device Do I Need for a Telehealth Appointment?

For Teletherapy appointments, an internet-connected device is necessary so that you can use the secure, platform software that is used by LifeCare Counseling.  Your device can be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Operating systems including Windows, Apple, Mac, Amazon Fire, Google, and Android devices typically are compatible with Telehealth platforms. Additionally, your device should have at least one of the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Internet Browser

What If I Start Out with Telehealth but then Decide I Want to See My Therapist in Person?

Both in-person and telehealth therapy services are offered. Just be sure to communicate your preferences with your therapist.

 What do I need to do to prepare for a Telehealth Session?

  • Prior to your Telehealth appointment (typically 24 hours prior and/or the morning of the day of your appointment), you’ll receive a Telehealth appointment link.  Simply click on the link.
  • The link will take you to the secure Telehealth platform.  It will prompt you for your name/location and will then place you in a virtual waiting room.  Make sure your audio/visual is working properly and simply wait for your therapist to connect with you. 
  • Make sure you are in a private, quite setting so that you and your therapist can focus on your session.
  • Please refer to LifeCare’s Telehealth policy for additional information/consent.


Feel free to ask any additional questions you may have about Telehealth Services.

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