Addiction And Recovery

Addiction is a chronic disorder that can negatively impact all areas of a person's life.  Addiction can be with substances such as alcohol, recreational drugs or psychoactive drugs that is mood-altering and changes the neurochemistry in the brain or addiction can be with processes/behaviors such as compulsive behaviors like gambling or sex addiction for example, whereby neurochemistry is affected similarly to using mood-altering substances.   Addiction changes the brain through the limbic system, also known as the “brain reward system.” This part of the brain is responsible for producing feelings of pleasure and will manifest thoughts such as, “I deserve this,” or “Let’s do that again.” The abuse of addictive substances and behaviors triggers this reward system which can prolong a continuous cycle of destructive behavior.

Common Addictions include but are not limited to:

  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Gambling
  • Internet
  • Shopping
  • Food'
  • Sex/Porn
  • Video Gaming

Professional Treatment & Support

People who have developed an addiction may be unaware that it is out of control, which is why treatment is an essential part of working through and managing this condition. An addiction of any sort can be exhausting and one should never go through the recovery process alone.

Depending upon many factors such as personal and family history with addiction, frequency and severity of the addiction, motivation for treatment, past relapses, etc., it is important that a comprehensive evaluation be completed for a clinically appropriate treatment recommendation can be made.  Often this can involve clients entering into a structured substance abuse/treatment program.  Community support is also important toward achieving recovery status and working with a qualified therapist in addressing any underlying issues impacting recovery status such as family of origin, current/past trauma, incorporating healthy coping strategies including identifying triggers to use or engaging in compulsive and destructive behaviors.  

Please know you are not alone in these struggles. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength in your recognizing you want more for your life.

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