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This Memorial Day, we salute the heroes who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and values. Let’s express our heartfelt gratitude to those who have selflessly served our Nation.
A pounding heart, sweaty palms, racing thoughts—it can be hard to calm anxiety. Believe it or not, counting may help, according to experts. Click to learn more.
Ever feel like your thoughts are so jumbled, you can't get them straight? Us too. Journaling is a great way to straighten things out, find patterns, make connections, and recognize triggers (Pro tip: therapy is great for these things too. Reach out to us to learn more).
When you're running from one item on your to-do list to the next, it can be tough to find the time to deal with your emotions. Share with us: what emotion are you stifling right now? What's a healthy way you can express yourself so that you can begin to move forward? mylifecarecounseling.com
Self care isn't just about pedicures and bubble baths—it's also about checking in with yourself and doing the hard work necessary to live your best life. Schedule an appointment with us today to get started. mylifecarecounseling.com
It can be super difficult to keep it together when you're feeling anxious at work, and we're here to help. Reach out to us today to set up an appointment with a counselor.
Hey parents: you're doing a great job. If you need support, we've got you. mylifecarecounseling.com
If you're struggling with self-image, you know that your inner voice can make it tough to keep your head up. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with a qualified counselor who can help you see all the good you have to offer. mylifecarecounseling.com
Taking care of yourself goes far beyond working out and taking bubble baths (no shade—we love those too). Prioritizing your mental health is key to feeling your best. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with a therapist. mylifecarecounseling.com
If you feel like its tough for you to follow the thought process of your partner with ADD or ADHD, you're not alone. Check out these tips for helping you and your partner understand one another.
Stuck at a crossroads? You're not alone, and it can help to talk it through with someone who gets it. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with a qualified counselor to help you figure out your next steps. mylifecarecounseling.com
If you're struggling with self-image, you know that your inner voice can make it tough to keep your head up. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with a qualified counselor who can help you see all the good you have to offer. mylifecarecounseling.com

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