Welcome from LifeCare

                 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM LIFECARE...where there is Hope, there is Healing. 

Welcome from LifeCare

Are you looking for something more in your life?  Do you often ask yourself "is this as good as it gets?" Are you in search of a new life direction, life balance, whether personally or professionally?   When we are rejuvenated, restored and renewed with a clearer and more aligned view of who we are and what we are designed to be; our life compass is more in balanced and aligned with those choices that get us closer to our best selves and toward the life vision, goals and path we seek.  

Perhaps, you continue to find yourself in relationships, life circumstances and/or situations that are unhealthy, disconnected, dysfunctional and even, abusive.  While we all need to feel loved, connected, and accepted; when it is sought to fill a void inside, and/or with those life patterns or situations, which lead back to a cycle of the same; it is often the need for healing within.  Mending those broken parts of Self that were hurt, betrayed and or those parts of Self, that felt for various reasons, not good enough, are first steps to becoming the YOU, that you were always meant to be!  Self-love, inner-peace, forgiveness and joy is possible, when you believe to your core that YOU ARE ENOUGH and have always been enough.   

Welcome from LifeCare

Are you going through the motions each day?  Are you feeling numb, detached from yourself, others and your life or maybe fighting to simply get out of bed and face another day, trying to "just push through."  Depression affects everyone differently and can manifest in different ways.  Reducing and managing depressive symptoms (from the mild to severe) are unique to each person and situation, but what is universal, is to remember that reaching out, especially when that is the last thing many may feel like doing when they are depressed; is such an incredible sign of resiliency, hope and courage.  Sure, life throws many ups and downs.  For those downs, that seem too overbearing and too many, you don't have to face them alone and you can see a brighter path ahead. 

Welcome from LifeCare

Are you feeling on edge?  Do you find it hard to focus?   Are you constantly worrying about the "what-ifs?"Are you a parent/caregiver feeling defeated in knowing how to repair your family situation, or how to help your child/teen?  Perhaps, it's a relationship that feels disconnected, stuck or in constant conflict.  Is it that you have been so deeply hurt or betrayed that you no longer trust anyone or anything.  Are you in a relationship/marriage and feel like there is no connection, companionship, or are there trust issues due to infidelity, addiction or other high-risk behaviors?  Relational repairing, restoring and re-connecting is possible with new ways of communicating, resolving conflicts or connecting when each family member/parent or partner is committed to positive changes. 

Welcome from LifeCare

Perhaps, you are suffering and grieving the loss of a loved one. Grieving someone we love is incredibly tough.  Everyone grieves in their own way and time and is different to each person.  Through grief counseling, you are met, wherever you are in that journey, until the dark days begin to have a little light.  Losses can be experienced in other ways as well, like in a job/career loss or change, a divorce and/or other sudden/unexpected life-altering changes.  Seeking support during times of loss is incredibly important. When we are knocked off our feet for whatever reason(s); its comforting to have a soft place to fall.  Until the darker days are lighter, until the insecure feels more secure; it is in the loving, remembering and being able to experience some inner peace, joy and life meaning again, that matter in one's journey, whatever or however that may look.

Welcome from LifeCare

Have you suffered a traumatic experience recently, or have been unable to heal from past trauma? Trauma can encompass a wide range of symptoms.  Trauma can be acute, such as a recent car accident or more complex in nature (chronic/complex trauma) that repeated, pervasive or occurring during extended life phases such as in abusive relationships, erratic, unstable home life, for example.  Childhood trauma can be especially damaging with far-reaching impacts into adulthood.  Trauma Recovery is possible and you can feel like YOU again and get Your LIfe back. 

Whatever life circumstances bringing you to therapy; it is a always a sign of courage, resilience and strength, not ever weakness to seek support. Also remember, that whether, this is your first therapy experience or coming back to therapy; you will be met with a compassionate and qualified clinician that meets you just where you are toward the therapy goals and the life you deserve.  

In closing, I personally want to thank you for considering LifeCare Counseling for your Mental Health & Counseling needs, along with extending a sincere message of hope, health and healing to you because YOU and YOUR LIFECARE NEEDS MATTER!

                                                                                                          Warmest Regards,


                                                                                                         Sandy Johnson, LPC, NCC, CCTP

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm



